
We believe that segregating legal services is an antiquated and impractical way of practising law. In the provision of the highest standard of legal services, it is not enough to have a thorough knowledge of the law. One must also be able to apply legislation correctly and maintain a comprehensive insight into the sectors in which our clients do business. This principle underlying our consulting work is also reflected in the way that the firm’s teams are structured to specialise in the areas of operation and economic sectors of the clients they work for. Because of this, we are able to offer our clients comprehensive solutions that cut across legal fields. As a result, our clients include private companies, public-sector companies and state-owned corporations in equal measure.



Ever since its inception, our firm has served the automotive industry. We possess an intimate knowledge of the landscape, regulations and legislation here Throughout this time, we have worked for major foreign and domestic automotive companies, component manufacturers, and service providers in this segment, and we are constantly honing our expertise. Recently, our services in the automotive sector have largely shifted towards strategic consulting and electromobility.



We have been dedicated to the management of our clients’ private wealth for a long time, and the focus of our services is now on the rapidly evolving segment of trust funds. Even before the introduction of this concept into Czech law, we had started working with leading law firms from Switzerland and Liechtenstein, where trusts are an established concept with a long-standing tradition. This serves as a source of vital experience that we can replicate in a domestic context.


Regulation and legislation

Regulation and legislation are matters intrinsically linked to our firm. One of its founders, Prof. Zdeněk Češka, is the author of the current Code of Civil Procedure and has helped to draft many other pieces of legislation. This is a culture that persists in our firm – we have retained our knowledge of legal theory and apply it directly in the legislative process when drafting legal standards or our clients’ internal regulations.



Litigation, as one of the hallowed disciplines of law, is deeply ingrained in our firm’s DNA. It is in this field that Prof. Češka has excelled throughout his legal career. He has mentored many of our firm’s lawyers in this field to the extent that we enjoy remarkable success in representing clients, with a more than 90% win rate. We are adept at defending our clients’ interests and often the interests of the entire state, which we frequently represent in key disputes running into billions of Czech crowns.


Public procurement and competition

Public procurement and competition are both long-standing specialisations of our firm. We handle public contracts worth billions annually and guide our clients through the entire process, including expert advice. This is why we are one of the biggest market players and are consistently “highly recommended” in the Law Firm of the Year rankings. And in the field of competition, we offer the advantage of a professional relationship with European authorities.



Our firm has always been active in transport and infrastructure. We have been assisting many of our clients in this field for upwards of ten years. Our transport-related services are wide-ranging and always involve large-scale, major projects. This has given us a detailed knowledge of the industry and its specific characteristics. This is why our clients have long placed their trust in us and why we received a “highly recommended” Law Firm of the Year award in logistics and transport structures in 2020.


Financial sector

Throughout our firm’s history, we have been actively involved in the financial sector. We have always provided strategic and business advice to institutions. Our clients have included – and still include – major financial houses operating in the Czech Republic. We have provided assistance, for instance, in the establishment of a new bank and in cases attracting high-profile media coverage. Pavel Smutný, one of the firm’s equity partners, has also been closely involved in the establishment of the National Development Fund.


Criminal law and compliance

Our strategy is driven primarily by prevention, so we protect clients by adapting complex and interrelated compliance programmes. We are dedicated to representing companies and their governing bodies – most often in the role of injured parties – using our extensive litigation experience. We have repeatedly been named a highly recommended firm for compliance programmes in the Law Firm of the Year rankings.



Another area on which the firm has focused since its inception is the energy sector. We represent major companies in this industry. We specialise particularly in the electricity sector, where we cooperate with both producers and distributors who are among the largest market players. At present, we are concentrating on globally significant and rapidly developing electromobility. We are involved in related projects that are either under preparation or being implemented, working on behalf of both public administration and private-sector suppliers of electromobility products and services. We also provide advice in the gas and heating sectors.



Our team dedicated to cooperation with local authorities was built up by our non-equity partner Roman Kyral, who himself works as an assembly member in a smaller municipality. In our work with regions, cities and municipalities, we deal with key issues and large capital projects that go beyond the normal activities of a local government unit. Our experts in this field actively lecture and publish on this subject.


Petroleum industry

We have an in-depth knowledge of the petroleum industry because we have been involved in it for more than 15 years. That is why companies such as ČEPRO and MERO are among our most established clients. We work with them on major cases and disputes, as well as large-scale investment projects.


IT and telecommunications

We have built up a dedicated team of experts in IT technology in recent years. It has been involved in numerous transactions for government institutions and private-sector entities, both on the client and the service-provider side. Our expertise stems from the key government systems we have successfully implemented and the assistance we have provided in their development from the other side.


Corporate law

The corporate agenda flows on naturally from all the activities of most of our clients and is therefore a major focus for our firm. We guide clients through everything related to their business, from day-to-day operational matters to advice on taking and subsequently processing strategic decisions. We have won several international awards in this area, such as Commercial Law Firm of the Year in the Czech Republic (Corporate INTL Global Awards 2020) and Czech Republic – Corporate Law (Global Law Experts Listing).


Transactions, mergers and acquisitions

Since our inception, we have stood by our clients in a great many transformations, transactions, mergers and acquisitions. These have often been transactions of great complexity in both volume and structure.


Project consulting

We have always been a partner to our clients, which is why, whatever the circumstances, we address their problems from start to finish. From day-to-day administration to complex services, we are always accountable for the successful outcome of the project. This is because every project has a specific legal framework within which it must operate. You need to know how to structure that framework, take care of it, and communicate it – both externally and internally.


Investment projects

We have long provided comprehensive legal advice in the preparation and implementation of capital projects. We approach each project on its own merits, placing an emphasis on understanding its nature and intended benefits, whether it involves a project of local, regional or national significance. This is also reflected in the contractual framework, which, depending on the specifics of the project, we prepare, among other things , on the basis of FIDIC conditions of contract. We are there all the way – helping to secure the project’s financing and preparing its contractual framework, dealing with claims for defects, and seeing to the operation and maintenance of the completed structure. We are members of the Czech Association of Consulting Engineers (CACE).