JUDr. Petr Michal, PhD.

Equity partner and attorney-at-law

Law is a means of understanding the system and functioning of contemporary society.

Petr Michal holds a degree from the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague, where he also pursued his doctoral studies. He also spent a year at Humboldt University in Berlin, where he studied civil law and insolvency proceedings with a cross-border dimension. Petr Michal specialises in civil procedure and insolvency and commercial law. He seeks fitting solutions across legal disciplines that meet clients’ needs and effectively address their situation. In addition to practising law, Petr Michal is an insolvency practitioner. He is a member of the Council of Experts of the Association of Insolvency Administrators and the Czech Bar Association’s Insolvency Law Section. Petr Michal is also the chairman of the board of the Prague City Chamber of Commerce and a member of the board of YPO in Zurich. He regularly publishes scholarly articles and speaks at conferences and seminars.