Mgr. Filip Drnec

Executive Director

A lawyer needs to be more than just a purveyor of legal services. For the client, he must be a strategic partner, a crucial pillar of support, and a guide on the path through business. Pro klienta musí představovat strategického partnera, klíčovou oporu a průvodce na cestě podnikatelským životem.

Filip Drnec’s work focuses mainly on issues related to European law. His main area of expertise is the European legislative process. Although this may seem like a disorderly system, it is in fact a highly complex set of rules that can be legitimately influenced and thus partly shaped from the outside. The EU legislative process is a unique means of enabling people and entities to be more than passive recipients of EU rules. Besides his studies at the Faculty of Law, Filip Drnec also spent time studying and working in Brussels. . In addition to EU law, he devotes himself to legal history and is actively involved in an extensive related project on the evolution of the Czech legal system. Filip Drnec also covers HR and ensures that the firm runs smoothly.